Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a Start

I thought I needed a new project and a reason to pull out the camera everyday. The goal is a photo everyday for 365 days. This is day one and I shot this photo of Hunter facing the glass door in our house and me shooting into the living room. I am trying to learn how to work with light and at first I didn't realize I need to have him face the light (she shakes her head). Hunter will not be the subject of all the photos but it is a good place to start.


  1. Why SHOULDN'T Hunter be the subject of all your photos? Oh, wait! You wouldn't make any money that way. But I do LOVE this. Great job.

  2. OK, I signed up - what now??? Is this a 3rd site or instead of "Beauty & Bread?" I'm a little confused.

  3. Ah yes, and of course you keep getting better. Hunter is a great subject and you can get other interesting shots of him to show all the dimensions of his personality. Keep it up.

  4. Miss Betty-- this is my site not my mama's. I am so glad you are going to follow it!

    Pat--I will keep tryin'

    Thanks Mama and Happy B-day.
